mardi 6 octobre 2015

Start changing

Until when you're gonna look at yourself in the mirror and say " i wish i had a flat belly, i wish i had more toned arms, i wish i had a sexy legs... "

If you want to make some changes in your life, you should start from NOW. Put your PLAN and your final GOAL, then start by changing some bad habits into healthier ones.
You should ask yourself if there's someone else who's going to do it for you, obviously NOT. So decide to be your own source of motivation with the changes that are going to happen in your life by deciding to move on. One important thing that you should remember, reaching your goals won't be that easy, so you should NEVER give up despite the pain because great things  take time.
Get rid of all the negative thoughts coming neither from you nor from other people.

The main tips needed for that are starting by putting some veggies, fruits, herbs, eggs, chicken breast and homemade fruit juices instead of junk food, full of refined sugar cakes, alcohol ..
Including exercises and meditation into your daily life is also an important decision.
Then finally never forget to take enough time of rest and sleep (at least 8 hours) and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day (water consumption helps losing a few calories, the reason why ? by drinking water you feel full and consume fewer calories as a result, it also boosts energy while exercising when the body loses lots of it by sweating, and helps have a clearer skin.. )

Every sunday, try to make your week plan including your daily eating, your daily exercises and meditation and the time you should be sleeping at.

Do something your future self will thank you for.

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